Thursday, April 16, 2020
Personal Reflection on Parenting
There are a number of ways through which one can raise a child. This is an obvious statement as every parent feels as though they possess the ultimate way in which to do so as well as what popular culture dictates to them.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Personal Reflection on Parenting specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Though there are various arrays of ways of raising oneââ¬â¢s child I feel that when I am ready to parent I will incorporate some of the ways my own parents raised me as well as adapting with the times. This said the type of role that I will take on in parenting my child will be a balance of a demanding one as well as a supportive structure both physically and mentally for my child. It is important for the parents to ensure that they are open-minded to their children. For instance, parents may initiate discussions about the personal lives of their children. In such kind of a relationship, childre n will be free to talk about their problems openly to their parents. This will avoid stress and other mental disturbances among the children. When children are open to their parents, then the parents can easily identify when their children are about to go astray. They will therefore have a chance to correct and teach their children on the best ways of conduct. I personally grew up in close attachment to my parents. We freely hugged and discussed many intimate issues. As a result, I was able to receive guidance on various issues, the fact that enabled me grow morally upright. Although it is necessary for the parents to participate in guiding children to make certain things, it is also necessary for them to respect the decisions and interests of their children. For instance, in case a child is interested in playing musical instruments, the parents must not dictate on otherwise. May be, this could be the area they can perform best. Therefore, it is important for the parents to ensure t hat they donââ¬â¢t dictate everything to their children. I remember my parents used to support me in my decisions whenever they felt it was not harmful to me. This made me feel good and encouraged me in whatever I did. I felt that I had the ability to make reasonable decisions. In other words, it increased my independence in decision making.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It is important for those responsible with parenting role to consider that the world is changing very fast and therefore a need to have change on parenting approaches. Since the children are exposed to many things at an early age for instance through the media, I think it is important for parent to begin counseling their children at an early age. Therefore, there is need for children to spend more time with their parents. In conclusion, I feel that when I am ready to parent, I will incorporate some of the ways m y own parents raised me as well as adapting with the times. Firstly, i will ensure that I spare enough time to be with my children. This will give me an opportunity to interact with them. I will also ensure that I am supportive to their decisions. This will help them learn to be independent and therefore creative. I will also ensure that there is close attachment between us. By so doing, I will be able to develop my children morally. Since physical health is also important, I will ensure that my children get adequate time to play. This will help my children to grow morally and physically upright. This essay on Personal Reflection on Parenting was written and submitted by user Tamia Silva to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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