Saturday, December 28, 2019
Alcohol Use Initiation Among Adolescents - 2777 Words
Abstract This literature review examines alcohol use initiation among adolescents through the constructs of Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). The review consists of 23 peer-reviewed sources. TPB was applicable to 18 sources, 4 did not fall within the constructs of TPB and 1 source was used solely to understand the public health context of this behavior. Sources were located through PubMed, Academic Search Complete, PsycINFO and Scopus databases. The following combination of search terms were used: ââ¬Å"alcohol use initiation adolescent behaviorâ⬠and ââ¬Å"age of first drinking adolescent influences.â⬠Findings from the literature were sorted and applied to constructs of the Theory of Planned Behavior. A chapter from the book Health Behavior and Health Education: Theory, Research and Practice (Montaà ±o and Kasprzyk 2008) was also used in order to understand the TPB. TPB consists of the following constructs: behavioral intention, evaluation of outcome, normative beliefs, motiva tion to comply, control beliefs and perceived power (Montaà ±o and Kasprzyk 2008). Conclusions found the behavior of alcohol use initiation among adolescents can be applied to all constructs of the model, but existing literature did not explore all constructs of TPB at an equal level of depth. Current literature lacks depth in the constructs of behavioral intention, evaluation of outcome and control beliefs, while a wide variety of literature focuses on the constructs of normative beliefs and motivation to comply.Show MoreRelatedEffectiveness Of Raising The Minimum Drinking Age1540 Words à |à 7 Pages INTRODUCTION Alcohol is a popular product that has permeated global markets and dominated Australiaââ¬â¢s social and cultural spheres. 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The drug of alcoholism is the most common and also the most abused drug amongst adolescents. The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) believes that alcoholism amongst adolescents can lead to binge drinking and its on the rise. The CDC states, ââ¬Å" Alcohol us e is responsible for more than 4,300 annual deaths among underage youth. AlthoughRead MoreFactors Of Teenage Drug Abuse1198 Words à |à 5 Pagesusers begin to take drugs before becoming adult, in particular older adolescents. (McMurray, 2004; Ping Wu et al., 2003) To put it another way, it is unlikely they will try a new drug after the age of 21. Oetting Beauvais (1990) maintain that even if severe drug problems are found later in their life, there could be the roots from their childhood. In addition to this, McCRYSTAL et al., (2003) report that young adults who use drugs regularly have set patterns when they are in their teens. It isRead MoreAlcohol Essay1160 Words à |à 5 Pagesprint) Signature: Date Abstract The consumption of alcohol in Australia is becoming a problem, and because of irresponsible and callous drinking, Australia is in need of a more mature drinking culture. The main points in this essay discuss the issues concerning irresponsible drinking amongst teens.They include the effects of alcohol on the adolescent brain, accidents involving underage drinkers and teens delaying the consumption of alcohol for as long as possible. This essay argues that becauseRead More Drugs and Alcohol in the Adolescent Years Essay1547 Words à |à 7 PagesDrugs and Alcohol in the Adolescent Years The years of adolescence are a very important time for both young girls and boys to make decisions that will essentially have the power to shape their lives. In life there are conflicts to be overcome from both the ââ¬Å"evilâ⬠social world and also a young girlââ¬â¢s vulnerability can cause problems. Both have a huge impact on decisions she will make. Drugs and alcohol are both issues that almost any young person in todayââ¬â¢s society is going to come
Friday, December 20, 2019
George Berkeleys Elaboration Of Idealism - 1572 Words
George Berkeleyââ¬â¢s elaboration of idealism has become one of the most widely discussed ideologies in Western philosophy. This discussion has come with some controversy; many individuals today view Berkeleyââ¬â¢s ideas as maverick due to the increasing acceptance of materialism due to developments in science and technology over the last century. Others might even view Berkeleyââ¬â¢s work as fundamentally wrong. For example, German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche would view Berkeleyââ¬â¢s argument for God as a way for moralists to try to control and stifle the ability of others to be happy and virtuous. Nonetheless, Berkeleyââ¬â¢s work is notable due to his bold claims, such as the argument against the existence of matter. Berkeleyââ¬â¢s seemingly wild claimsâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬Å"In reading a book, what I immediately perceive are the letters on the page, but mediately or by means of these the notions of God, virtue, truth, etc. are suggested to my m ind.â⬠2 In other words, people immediately perceive the shapes of letters with their eyes, but mediately derive the meaning of words in the mind. With this Berkeley progresses the argument by asserting that sensible things, that is, things which are perceived by the senses, are only things ââ¬Å"that can be perceived immediately by sense,â⬠not mediately.3 Hylas then makes the erroneous claim that ââ¬Å"to exist is one thing, and to be perceived is another.â⬠4 However, because sensible things exist only due to sensible qualities that the mind perceives, and these sensible qualities cannot exist outside of the mind, Berkeleyââ¬â¢s stipulates that the existence of something is predicated upon its ability to be perceived by the mind; hence, to be is to be perceived. If existence requires perception, then an event cannot occur if it is not perceived; for example, if a tree falls in a forest and no one sees or hears it, then the tree could not have fallen. ââ¬Å"Upon looking into it I find that I canââ¬â¢t understand how anything but an idea can be like an idea. And it is most evident that no idea can exist outside of the mind.â⬠5Show MoreRelatedGeorge Berkeley and the External World1859 Words à |à 8 PagesJack Bate George Berkeley and the external world In 1999, Larry and Andy Wachowski directed The Matrix, a movie featuring the future in which reality as perceived by most humans is actually a simulated reality or cyberspace called the Matrixâ⬠. This fake reality was created by sentient machines to pacify and subdue the human population. To some, this movie represents just another brilliant Hollywood sci-fi action film, but for others, it challenges the understanding of perspective, reality and appearance
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Educational Psychology Questions And Answers Essay Example For Students
Educational Psychology: Questions And Answers Essay After reading an article on Jerry Garcia of the Grateful Dead in a Rolling Stone magazine, these are two examples of questions that I would ask my students on a test (in a multiple-choice format.) These questions are also representative of two different levels of Blooms taxonomy. 1) As a member of the Grateful Dead, what was Jerry Garcias only radio, billboard hit single? a) Throwing Stones b) Touch of Grey c) Built to Last d) Franklins Tower Correct answer: b. Touch of Grey. 2) In chronological order, identify which answer represents the progression of keyboard players (pianists) that Jerry Garcia played with in the Grateful Dead? a) Brent Midland, Pigpen, Vince Wellnick, Keith Godchaux b) Pigpen, Keith Godchaux, Brent Midland, Vince Wellnick c) Keith Godchaux, Brent Midland, Vince Wellnick, Pigpen e) Vince Wellnick, Pigpen, Keith Godchaux, Brent Midland Correct answer: b I feel that these are good examples of multiple-choice questions because they do not include in the answer section choices such as, none of the above, or all of the above. It helps to omit choices like these because these answers do not contribute in measuring students mastery of the subject or in teaching unlearned material. These questions both have discriminatory power, allowing me to see who has mastered the material and who hasnt. The distracters that I selected for these questions are the key ingredients that help me see who has mastered the subject. The distracters are not obvious wrong answers, they are choices that make the students think, which ultimately raises the cognitive level of the test beyond that of just memorization and recall. I believe that my questions are clear and easily understood. They should not make the student unnecessarily use energy in figuring out exactly what the question is asking. Also in an attempt to make the question as clear as possible I avoided the use of jargon and other complicated terms. I only used words that would be common to their vocabulary. I also avoided using negative test words such as, not and never. By doing this I made my questions easier to understand. I also tried not to make the right answer too obvious in comparison to my distracters. The last thing that I did to make these questions better was to avoid redundancy by writing and re-writing the questions. Essay questions are very advantageous because unlike multiple-choice questions they can measure what the students know and have mastered. They allow for students to express, in writing, what they do know about the material for which they are being held accountable. The second advantage of the essay test is that they allow students to explain why the material is important to them (this is internalization of information.) Essay questions promote higher levels of thinking and they also allow the students to tap into their creative energies. Essay questions do have their disadvantages like teacher grading bias issues. It is much harder to grade a free-flow of thought, expressed on paper then it is to grade a scantron test. The essay questions have to be thought out so your students dont go astray from what is really being asked. In the 90s over seventy percent of tests were in multiple-choice format. The multiple-choice format allows the teacher to cover large amounts of information with less guesswork then that of true/false or fill-in-the-blank testing formats. Multiple-choice questions are a good way to measure a students degree of judgement, while true/false reduce answers to right/wrong decisions. Multiple-choice questions bring out distinctions between what is good, what is best and what is erroneous. Another major advantage in using multiple-choice questions is their ability to discriminate. .u3185b8f713d8c880b9b1139a3c45109e , .u3185b8f713d8c880b9b1139a3c45109e .postImageUrl , .u3185b8f713d8c880b9b1139a3c45109e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u3185b8f713d8c880b9b1139a3c45109e , .u3185b8f713d8c880b9b1139a3c45109e:hover , .u3185b8f713d8c880b9b1139a3c45109e:visited , .u3185b8f713d8c880b9b1139a3c45109e:active { border:0!important; } .u3185b8f713d8c880b9b1139a3c45109e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u3185b8f713d8c880b9b1139a3c45109e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u3185b8f713d8c880b9b1139a3c45109e:active , .u3185b8f713d8c880b9b1139a3c45109e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u3185b8f713d8c880b9b1139a3c45109e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u3185b8f713d8c880b9b1139a3c45109e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u3185b8f713d8c880b9b1139a3c45109e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u3185b8f713d8c880b9b1139a3c45109e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u3185b8f713d8c880b9b1139a3c45109e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u3185b8f713d8c880b9b1139a3c45109e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u3185b8f713d8c880b9b1139a3c45109e .u3185b8f713d8c880b9b1139a3c45109e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u3185b8f713d8c880b9b1139a3c45109e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Essay about The Achievement Of The National Honor Society Essay Multiple choice questions give you the ability to tell you which students have mastered the material and which have not. This ability is also known as discriminatory power. Some teachers prefer multiple-choice tests because they think that the objective quality in the test removes the potential for grading bias. Some teachers will also favor multiple-choice tests because they think that students will be less likely to contest their grade. One more obvious but note-worthy advantage to multiple-choice testing is that they are very easily and quickly graded. Educational psychologists argue that one of the major limitations of multiple-choice testing is that they test students on .
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Economics And Quantitative Analysis Higher Education in United States
Question: Describe about online universities that are facing challenges in sector of higher education in United States? Answer: Introduction The current study is focusing on the online universities that are facing challenges in sector of higher education. The report will be conducting various analyses of online colleges that are present in United States. Moreover, for the report 29 online colleges have been selected so that better result can be drawn. Background Online Universities has been growing at rapid speed that provides academic knowledge to the large number of students. On the other hand, the continuous development in the online universities has posed challenges to the higher education sector (Morrison, 2012). The online education database is engaged in forming better online colleges that are accredited. In US, the online college has grown in significant numbers over the past years. Methods The method that can be used for the particular study will be based on descriptive analysis, scatter diagram and regression equation so that better result can be generated. Moreover, the methods can be helpful in discussing the results and proposing a recommendation for the universities (McCormick and Lucas, 2013). On the other hand, in order to discuss the descriptive analysis, mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum value will be calculated on the basis on retention rate and graduation rate so that better value can be drawn for online colleges in US. Results Descriptive analysis of retention rate and graduation rate Retention Rate Graduation Rate Mean 57.41379 41.75862 Standard Deviation 23.24023 9.865724 Maximum Variable 100 61 Minimum Variable 4 25 Scatter Diagram with retention rate Figure 1: Retention Rate and Graduation Rate Figure 2: Retention Rate Scatter Diagram Estimated Regression Equation RR(%) GR(%) (x-mean) (y-mean) (x-mean)2 (y-mean)2 (x-mean) (y-mean) 7 25 -50.4138 -16.7586 2541.551 280.8514 844.8656 51 25 -6.41379 -16.7586 41.13674 280.8514 107.4863 4 28 -53.4138 -13.7586 2853.033 189.2996 734.9001 29 32 -28.4138 -9.75862 807.3436 95.23068 277.2794 33 33 -24.4138 -8.75862 596.0333 76.71344 213.8312 47 33 -10.4138 -8.75862 108.4471 76.71344 91.21046 63 34 5.586207 -7.75862 31.20571 60.1962 -43.3413 45 36 -12.4138 -5.75862 154.1023 33.16171 71.48633 60 36 2.586207 -5.75862 6.688466 33.16171 -14.893 62 36 4.586207 -5.75862 21.03329 33.16171 -26.4102 67 36 9.586207 -5.75862 91.89536 33.16171 -55.2033 65 37 7.586207 -4.75862 57.55054 22.64447 -36.0999 78 37 20.58621 -4.75862 423.7919 22.64447 -97.962 75 38 17.58621 -3.75862 309.2747 14.12723 -66.0999 54 39 -3.41379 -2.75862 11.65398 7.609988 9.41736 45 41 45 -0.75862 2025 0.575505 -34.1379 38 44 -19.4138 2.241379 376.8954 5.023781 -43.5137 51 45 -6.41379 3.241379 41.13674 10.50654 -20.7895 69 46 11.58621 4.241379 134.2402 17.9893 49.1415 60 47 2.586207 5.241379 6.688466 27.47206 13.55529 37 48 -20.4138 6.241379 416.7229 38.95482 -127.41 63 50 5.586207 8.241379 31.20571 67.92033 46.03805 73 51 15.58621 9.241379 242.9298 85.40309 144.038 78 52 20.58621 10.24138 423.7919 104.8859 210.8312 48 53 -9.41379 11.24138 88.6195 126.3686 -105.824 95 55 37.58621 13.24138 1412.723 175.3341 497.6932 68 56 10.58621 14.24138 112.0678 202.8169 150.7622 100 57 42.58621 15.24138 1813.585 232.2996 649.0725 100 61 42.58621 19.24138 1813.585 370.2307 819.4174 TOTAL 16993.93 2725.31 4259.341 Regression equation Y = b0 + b1x b1= 4259.341 / 16993.93 = 0.2506 b0 = 41.758- (0.2506) (57.41) = 27.371 Therefore, the regression equation can be written as y= 27.371 + 0.2506x Slope Coefficient of determination Standard Deviation of retention Rate= sqrt (16993.93 / 29) = sqrt (0.80138) = 24.207 Standard Deviation of Graduation Rate = sgrt (2725.31 / 29) = sqrt (0.34019) = 9.69 Therefore, the slope coefficient (r2) is R2= [(1/29) * 4259.341 / (24.207 * 9.69)]2 = 0.39208 Summary Output Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.670245 R Square 0.449228 Adjusted R Square 0.428829 Standard Error 7.456105 Observations 29 ANOVA df SS MS F Significance F Regression 1 1224.286 1224.286 22.02211 6.95E-05 Residual 27 1501.024 55.5935 Total 28 2725.31 Intercept X Variable 1 Coefficients 25.4229 0.284526 Standard Error 3.746284 0.060631 t Stat 6.786166 4.692772 P-value 2.74E-07 6.95E-05 Lower 95% 17.73616 0.160122 Upper 95% 33.10964 0.40893 Lower 95.0% 17.73616 0.160122 Upper 95.0% 33.10964 0.40893 Discussion The two variables that are retention rate and graduation rate represents that mean of each variable are different. For retention rate, mean value is 57.41 and for graduation rate mean value is 41.758. Therefore, it can be analyzed that retention rate is successful in engaging the students in comparison to graduation rate (Bejou and Bejou, 2012). On the other hand, it can be analyzed that standard deviation of retention rate is high to 23.240 due to presence of large variable values in the retention rate whereas in graduation rate many variables has same value and due to that standard deviation is low at 9.86. Apart from that, two universities that is National University and Florida University of US has maximum value under retention rate whereas in graduation rate only Florida National College has maximum value but that too at 61 only. On the other hand, the minimum variable according to retention rate is University of Phoenix and in graduation rate is Western International University and South University. The scatter diagram that has been presented shows that the there is positive correlation among the two variables that is retention rate and graduation rate. As per the scatter diagram, with the increase in x axis there is also significant increase in the y axis. The retention rate as an independent variable also shows that they are positively linked with the universities and due to that universities are able to address growth as per retention rate values (Boden, 2011). On the other hand, it can be depicted that if there is growth of universities as per retention rate then the colleges or universities can also seek growth as per graduation rate. Apart from that some universities has less retention rate such as University of Phoenix and Western International University in comparison to graduation rate. On the other hand, the retention rate is higher as many students join the school and studies in same college next year (Haydarov, Moxley and Anderson, 2012). Moreover, it can be analyzed as per retention rate that a university has more pleas to the students. If there is one unit change in the retention rate then there is significant change in graduation rate. In the next calculation that is estimation of regression equation, it can be concluded that independent variable that is retention rate is linked with the dependent variable of graduation rate of universities. If the retention rates of students are high then it can help in improving the graduation rate of students in colleges (Heuser, Drake and Owens, 2012). The regression estimation helped in knowing the relationship between two variables that is graduation rate and retention rate and their dependency on each other. Therefore, average value in context to dependent variables can be estimated if independent variable is fixed. Apart from that, the dependent variable of graduation rate changes when there is change in the independent variable of retention rate. The estimated regression equation can be effective in predicting graduation rate on the basis of retention rate. The slope coefficient that is R2 which is 0.392 shows that almost 40% of variation in the dependent variable (graduation rate) can be define by the independent variables (retention rate). As per the Regression Statistics, the coefficient of determination is around 44% which means that dependent variable is explained by retention rate. On the other hand, the multiple correlation coefficients are valued at 0.670245 which indicates that there is positive correlation among the retention and graduation rate. Further, it can be concluded that the there is no indication of statistical significance between the retention and graduation rate correlation as it fall in the range of -1 to +1. Regression Equation provide a good fit The regression does not provide good fit as only 44% of the graduation rate variable is explained by the retention rate. On the other hand, the r square is not that high to show better results. Moreover, it can be analyzed that variables are not much closer to regression line as the variable fail to define 100% of the variance (Heyneman, 2012). Therefore, retention rate does not cover all the variance of graduation rate variance. The regression equation can be in the good line if the dependent variable would have been explained by more than 50% by independent variable. Moreover the SS residual value in analysis of variance shows that the given value representing dependent variables variation is not explained. Reviewing results as president of South University After having a closer look to the result, it can be presented that the performance of the south University is not quite good in comparison to other universities in US. The retention rate of south University is 51% which is higher in comparison to Western International University, University of Phoenix, American InterContinental University, etc. Apart from that, the graduation rate is low at 25% which may show that the student may not be financially strong to have a full graduation on time (Hoyert et al. 2012). However, it can be concluded that students are not able to receive the graduation degree on time can be due to less preparation or lack of resources. Moreover, the university retains students for longer time but when it comes to providing graduation degree, university fails in doing so. Reviewing results as president of University of Phoenix After considering the results, yes it is a major concern for the university and its performance against the other online universities. The university has a low graduation rate which means that university is not able to provide full degree course to the students in time and due to that university fails to retain the students. The graduation rate for University of Phoenix is 28% which is very low in comparison to Liberty University, Westwood College and some other universities (Letkiewicz et al., 2014). Further, the retention rate is low at 4% which means that Phoenix University is not likely to retain students as students transfer themselves Phoenix University to other university. The retention rate of the university is the most lowest in relation to other university of US such as Peirce College, Kaplan University, AshFord University, etc. Therefore, it can be considered that University of Phoenix has to improve their performance standard so that maximum number of students gets gradua ted from the university itself and also in due course time (Loft and Holt, 2010). Recommendations In order to improve the universitys retention rate and graduation rate, the senior management of the universities can follow the following proposals. Solve Academic Issues: The academic problem has to be solved so that adequate preparation can be provided to the students in order to meet the demands of academic of universities coursework. The content of the courses can be delivered in interesting way that can arouse interest among the students (, 2015). Form Centers: For increasing the retention and graduation rate of students, the universities can form centers that can help in student success. The universities can provide centers such as Math and Science Tutorial Center or Tutor Lab that can provide great assistance in enhancing their knowledge and doing assignments with much positive approach. Communication: The universities can conduct conversation with the students and congratulate them for doing excel in the courses that can motivate them to pursue in the same university till the completion of the courses. Moreover, the importance of holding a degree has to be communicated to the students so that they do not leave the university in between the course (Roggow, 2014). Motivate: The students may feel de-motivated if they are not provided right guidance from the professors or teachers and it can lead to bad college experience. Therefore, it is important for the universities to provide right guidance and support to the students so that they can perform well and get higher grades. Orientation Program: The program can be helpful for the students to seek information from the faculty advisor so that students can make a plan for the forthcoming fall semester. On the other hand, students can be able to understand the way of using online registration system, academic requirements, etc. Therefore, it encourages students to complete the course from one education institution only (Units.miamioh.ed, 2015). Conclusion The challenges in maintaining the retention and graduation rates in universities is tough task as many students either transfer from university to other or due to some financial problem they have to leave the course in between. The study focused on different statistical methods to evaluate the problem and recommendation has been provided so that retention and graduation rate can be increased. References Bejou, D. and Bejou, A. (2012). Shared Governance and Punctuated Equilibrium in Higher Education: The Case for Student Recruitment, Retention, and Graduation. Journal of Relationship Marketing, 11(4), pp.248-258. Boden, G. (2011). Retention and Graduation Rates: Insights from an Extended Longitudinal View. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory and Practice, 13(2), pp.179-203. Haydarov, R., Moxley, V. and Anderson, D. (2012). Counting Chickens Before They Are Hatched: An Examination of Student Retention, Graduation, Attrition, and Dropout Measurement Validity in an Online Master's Environment. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory and Practice, 14(4), pp.429-449. Heuser, B., Drake, T. and Owens, T. (2012). Evaluating Cross-National Metrics of Tertiary Graduation Rates for OECD Countries: A Case for Increasing Methodological Congruence and Data Comparability. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory and Practice, 14(1), pp.9-35. Heyneman, S. (2012). Introduction: Student Progress toward Graduation: An International Topic of Concern. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory and Practice, 14(1), pp.1-8. Hoyert, M., O'dell, C. and Hendrickson, K. (2012). Using Goal Orientation to Enhance College Retention and Graduation Rates. plat, 11(2), p.171. Letkiewicz, J., Lim, H., Heckman, S., Bartholomae, S., Fox, J. and Montalto, C. (2014). The Path to Graduation: Factors Predicting On-Time Graduation Rates. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory and Practice, 16(3), pp.351-371. Loft, B. and Holt, M. (2010). Increasing STEM Graduation Rates. International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research, 1(3), pp.76-77. McCormick, N. and Lucas, M. (2013). Assessing the Effectiveness of the Redesigned Mathematics Program on Graduation and Retention Rates of Underprepared Students. Journal of Studies in Education, 3(3), p.92. Morrison, M. (2012). Graduation Odds and Probabilities among Baccalaureate Colleges and Universities. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory and Practice, 14(2), pp.157-179., (2015). Improving Student Retention and Graduation Rates. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Jan. 2015]. Roggow, M. (2014). Improving Student Performance Outcomes and Graduation Rates Through Institutional Partnerships. New Directions for Community Colleges, 2014(165), pp.25-35. Units.miamioh.ed, (2015). Guide to Improving Retention and Graduation Rates in Academic Departments Programs. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Jan. 2015].
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Mobile phone free essay sample
Korea then adopted 3G Networks soon after and the transition was made as early as 2004. 2. 5G (and even 2. 75G) are technologies such as i-mode data services, camera phones, high-speed circuit-switched data (HSCSD) and General packet radio service (GPRS) that provide some functionality domains like 3G networks, but without the full transition to 3G network. They were built to introduce the possibilities of wireless application technology to the end consumers, and so increase demand for 3G services. When converting a GSM network to a UMTS network, the first new technology is General Packet Radio Service (GPRS). It is the trigger to 3G services. The network connection is always on, so the subscriber is online all the time. From the operators point of view, it is important that GPRS investments are re-used when going to UMTS. Also capitalizing on GPRS business experience is very important. From GPRS, operators could change the network directly to UMTS, or invest in an EDGE system. We will write a custom essay sample on Mobile phone or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page One advantage of EDGE over UMTS is that it requires no new licenses. The frequencies are also re-used and no new antennas are needed. Doing my research I found that the Third Generation of Wireless networks are better than the second generation because of the speed and time it takes to download. Keywords TDMA- Time Division Multiple Access GSM ââ¬â Global System for Mobile Communication GPRS ââ¬â General Packet Radio Service EDGE ââ¬â Enhanced Data GSM Enviroment CDMA ââ¬â Code Division Multiple Accsss Introduction In this research paper, I am trying to figure out the difference between the second generation and the third generation of mobile phones standards and technology. My objective is to compare the second generation to the third generation and give some pros and con on the technologies. I want to prove that the third generation standards are far better than the second generation. Wireless communication is the transfer of information over a distance without the use of electrical conductors or wires. The distances involved may be short (a few meters as in television remote control) or very long (thousands or even millions of kilometers for radio communications). When the context is clear the term is often simply shortened to wireless. Wireless communications is generally considered to be a branch of telecommunications. Cellular phones use radio waves to enable the operator to make phone calls from many locations world-wide. They can be used anywhere that there is a cellular telephone site to house the equipment that is required to transmit and receive the signal that is used to transfer both voice and data to and from these instruments. Second Generation 2G cellular telecoms networks were commercially launched on the GSM standard in Finland by Radiolinja in 1991. Three primary benefits of 2G networks over their predecessors were that phone conversations were digitally encrypted, 2G systems were significantly more efficient on the spectrum allowing for far greater mobile phone penetration levels; and 2G introduced data services for mobile, starting with SMS text messages. 3G first pre-commercial 3G network was launched by NTT DoCoMo in Germany branded FOMA, in May 2001 on a pre-release of W-CDMA-GA3Y technology. The first commercial launch of 3G was also by NTT DoCoMo in Japan on October 1, 2001. The second network to go commercially live was by SK Telecom in South Korea on the CDMA2000 1xEV-DO technology in January 2002. By May 2002 the second South Korean 3G network was launched by KTF on EV-DO and thus the Koreans were the first to see competition among 3G operators. Comparison of 2G and 3G 2G refers to second generation wireless telecommunication technology. While its predecessor, 1G, made use of analog radio signals, 2G uses digital radio signals. Based on what type of multiplexing (the process of combining multiple digital data streams into one signal) is employed, 2G technologies ay be categorized by whether they are based on time division multiple access (TDMA) or code division multiple accesses (CDMA). TDMA-based 2G standards include the following: Global System for Mobile communications (GSM), used worldwide; Integrated Digital Enhanced Network (IDEN), developed by Motorola and used in the United States and Canada; Interim Standard 136 (IS-136) or Digital Advanced M obile Phone System (D-AMPS), used in North and South America; and Personal Digital Cellular (PDC), used in Japan. 2G makes use of a CODEC (compression-decompression algorithm) to compress and multiplex digital voice data. Through this technology, a 2G network can pack more calls per amount of bandwidth as a 1G network. 2G cell phone units were generally smaller than 1G units, since they emitted less radio power. Another advantage of 2G over 1G is that the battery life of a 2G handset lasts longer, again due to the lower-powered radio signals. Since it transmitted data through digital signals, 2G also offered additional services such as SMS and e-mail. Its lower power emissions also made 2G handsets safer for consumers to use. Error checking, a feature allowed by digital voice encoding, improved sound quality by reducing dynamic and lowering the noise floor. Digital voice encoding also made the calls less susceptible to unwanted eavesdropping from third parties, due to the use of radio scanners. 2G, however, does have its disadvantages as well. In comparison to 1Gs analog signals, 2Gs digital signals are very reliant on location and proximity. If a 2G handset made a call far away from a cell tower, the digital signal may not be enough to reach it. While a call made from a 1G handset had generally poor quality than that of a 2G handset, it survived longer distances. This is due to the analog signal having a smooth curve compared to the digital signal, which had a jagged, angular curve. As conditions worsen, the quality of a call made from a 1G handset would gradually worsen, but a call made from a 2G handset would fail completely. Some of the advantages of a 2G network are the lower powered radio signals require less battery power, so phones last much longer between charges, and batteries can be smaller. The digital voice encoding allowed digital error checking which could increase sound quality by reducing dynamic and lowering the noise floor. The lower power emissions helped address health concerns. Enhanced privacy. A key digital advantage not often mentioned is that digital cellular calls are much harder to eavesdrop on by use of radio scanners. While the security algorithms used have proved not to be as secure as initially advertised, 2G phones are immensely more private than 1G phones, which have no protection against eavesdropping. Some of the disadvantage of the 2G network is in less populous areas, the weaker digital signal may not be sufficient to reach a cell tower. This tends to be a particular problem on 2G systems deployed on higher frequencies, but is mostly not a problem on 2G systems deployed on lower frequencies. National regulations differ greatly among countries which dictate where 2G can be deployed. Analog has a smooth decay curve, digital a jagged steppy one. This can be both an advantage and a disadvantage. Under good conditions, digital will sound better. Under slightly worse conditions, analog will experience static, while digital has occasional dropouts. As conditions worsen, though, digital will start to completely fail, by dropping calls or being unintelligible, while analog slowly gets worse, generally holding a call longer and allowing at least a few words to get through. While digital calls tend to be free of static and background noise, the lossy compression used by the codecs takes a toll; the range of sound that they convey is reduced. 3G wireless networks are capable of transferring data at speeds of up to 384Kbps. Average speeds for 3G networks will range between 64Kbps and 384Kbps, quite a jump when compared to common wireless data speeds in the United States that are often slower than a 14. 4Kb modem. 3G is considered high-speed or broadband mobile Internet access, and in the future 3G networks are expected to reach speeds of more than 2Mbps. The 3G technologies are turning phones and other devices into multimedia players, making it possible to download music and video clips. The new service is called the freedom of mobile multimedia access (FOMA), and it uses wideband code division multiple access (W-CDMA) technology to transfer data over its networks. W-CDMA sends data in a digital format over a range of frequencies, which makes the data move faster, but also uses more bandwidth than digital voice services. W-CDMA is not the only 3G technology; competing technologies include CDMA One, which differs technically, but should provide similar services. Mobile Phone free essay sample Advantages: * You can carry a mobile phone with you so you dont miss important calls * If you are lost, you can call for directions. * If you are in an accident, you can call the police or ambulance and if the phone has a camera, you can take pictures of the accident. * You can listen to music, text, play games when youre bored. * Most mobile phones have a calculator and a phone book. * You can use a mobile phone to call your customers or boss if you are running late to a meeting. * You can surf Internet amp; Connect with the whole world by Mobile. * You can chat amp; video conference. * Keep in touch with friends and family Good for emergencies * Employees can keep in touch at all times. * Customers can contact staff 24/7 * Phones have internet connection * More work available * They have cameras * You can check your emails * Can be used worldwide * It can fit in your pocket. We will write a custom essay sample on Mobile Phone or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page * you can connect even from other country to another by using roming serive Disadvantages: * Mobile phones can be expensive * They can damage your ear * Sometimes the reception is poor in some areas, limiting your connectivity (you cant talk underground or on planes). * People use the phone while they are driving, and this can cause problems. They can limit your face to face time with friends and familyà * if stolen can be misused (pictures, mobile numbers) * Can be hard to find the right package * Can ruin the connection to the computer. * Staff can abuse their phones if they have internet connection * Can be hard for older people to use. * Because of their smaller size, they can be easy to lose. Until the 1800s people used letters for communication. But this way was very slow, and people couldnââ¬â¢t contact each other in emergency situations. There was also the possibility of letters being lost. But after the invention of the telephone in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell, it became easier for people to communicate. Then in the 1970s, the cellular phone was invented. It brought many advantages into our lives. However, although cell phones brought many benefits into our lives, they also have disadvantages. The most important advantage of cell phones is that they can be used almost everywhere without cables or electricity. By using a mobile phone, you can communicate with anyone whenever you want and wherever you are. Besides this, if there is an emergency situation, mobile phones can be useful. Furthermore, you can get access to the Internet by using a cell phone. These days, the worldââ¬â¢s most common means of communication is SMS. Cell phones include this system, so in this way you can communicate with someone more cheaply than by normal calling. In contrast, cell phones have some disadvantages. For example, cell phones spread electromagnetic waves. And these electromagnetic waves cause important health problems like cancer. Additionally, cell phones often affect the electronic systems used by equipment like cars, ABS (automatic brake system), and computers. This can cause big problems, such as accidents. To sum up, cell phones not only have advantages, but also they have disadvantages. Mobile phones make our lives easier. But at the same time, they cause some important problems in our health. Day by day mobile phones are becoming the essential part of our life. 1. Stay connected anytime and anywhere: The most basic benefit of a cell phone for which most of us use it is that we can stay connected with our loved ones in any part of the world and anytime. Gone are the days when we used to stand in queues to make an STD or ISD calls. You can talk to your loved ones staying even seven seas far with cell phones. . SMS: When initially SMS was invented, the makers were not actually sure whether it will work. I mean when people can straightaway make a call and talk, then why would anybody like to take the pain of typing a message! But to their surprise SMSs are today the most widely used service across the world. There are many situations in which a person canââ¬â¢t attend a call, so all y ou have to do is simply send an SMS and without talking your message is delivered. 3. Your way out in emergencies: Imagine you are stuck in a traffic jam, getting late for a meeting or your car has broken down in middle of nowhere. Cell phones are of great use in time of such emergencies. You can contact help with the use of cell phone easily. 4. Navigation in your hand: cell phones are constantly being upgraded with new technology and the recent phones are equipped with navigation and GPRS systems. You can never get lost if you have a cell phone with navigation system. Imagine, it gives you the details of every nook and corner of your destination. 5. Mini PC: cell phones are nowadays almost equivalent to mini computers. The latest ones are equipped with windows and internet facilities. So you donââ¬â¢t need to wait for the newspaper! You can simply access the internet on your cell phone and get to know about the latest news, your e-mails, movie shows and a lot more! 6. Enhance your business: cell phones are a great help even at your business. With cell phones, you can constantly stay in touch with your employees and get to know about crucial information of your business. 7. Help in legal matters: a lot of criminals are these days being held because of their cell phones! The police can track a criminal via tracking the place where his mobile phone is using GPS. Also checking a cell phoneââ¬â¢s call records give vital information to the defense forces about the criminals. . Wholesome entertainment: with a cell phone in your hand, you donââ¬â¢t need a TV or PC to get entertained. It is all in your cell phone. You can play games, listen to music, and click pictures and even record videos in your cell phone. 9. Transfer of data: these days cell phones are equipped with infrared and bluetooth technologies which a llow you to transfer data like mails, pictures, music and even videos just in span of seconds. 10. Prestige and fashion statement: cell phones have become a matter of prestige and fashion statement, especially among the youth. If you have a latest handset then you can definitely impress others! Now a days, it is a common scene to see everybody keeps his /her ear attached to a cell phone. Often, they are doing it at the risk of an accident, loss of human relationship or studies. Intimate friendships of our parentsââ¬â¢ younger days are now lost and it is now reduced to an SMS or mobile talk. Keeping addresses of our intimates is now lost. Writing letters is given up. Human relationship and mental concentrationà are now replaced by electronic connections. It is a fact that having a mobile phone now a days is a sort of necessity and it is an inevitable truth that mobile industry is taking everyoneââ¬â¢s mind by a storm. From the very basic thing of making a call, texting, and now Internet access for just a touch of your fingertips. Do you have one of these? I do have one of those too and I wonââ¬â¢t deny the fact that I enjoy using them. So as one of the million subscribers of this technology I will share you some of the advantages and disadvantages I found, out of having a mobile phone ADVANTAGES It keeps us in constant contact with people you consider important It can help us seek help immediately during emergency cases Its a sense of being financially uplifted. Through mobile phones you can lessen your boredom,example listen to your favorite music and as well as watching movies through downloading. It can take photos Mobile phones also give us easier access on the internet. You can carry it anywhere It performs a lot of useful functions like calendar, making notes, alarm clock, timer and calculator. No doubt, our mobile phone makes our life more convenient, but as the saying goes every technology has its equal negative side and mobile phones are not so especial to be exempted. DISADVANTAGES Expensive. People spend less time bonding with their family and friends. People just contact through phone and become too lazy meeting outside Disturb us on our works and studies People spend lots and lots of money buying the latest model Affects our body because of radiation it produces Easily broken and gets spoilt on falling of water. mobile phone makes it easier to invade privacy In the end, I hope you can weigh the advantages and the disadvantages I have mentioned to help you use your mobile phone in a responsible manner. We humans created mobile phones and it is all up to our control..
Sunday, November 24, 2019
How to Balance Chemical Equations 3 Simple Steps
How to Balance Chemical Equations 3 Simple Steps SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips A chemical equation tells you what happens during a chemical reaction. A balanced chemical equation has the correct number of reactants and products to satisfy the Law of Conservation of Mass. In this article, weââ¬â¢ll talk about what a chemical equation is, how to balance chemical equations, and give you some examples to aid in your balancing chemical equations practice. What Is a Chemical Equation? Simply put, a chemical equation tells you whatââ¬â¢s happening in a chemical reaction. Hereââ¬â¢s what a chemical equation looks like: Fe + O2 ââ â Fe2O3 On the left side of the equation are the reactants. These are the materials that you start with in a chemical reaction. On the right side of the equation are the products. The products are the substances that are made as a result of a chemical reaction. In order for a chemical reaction to be correct, it needs to satisfy something called the Law of Conservation of Mass, which states that mass canââ¬â¢t be created or destroyed during a chemical reaction. That means that each side of the chemical equation needs to have the same amount of mass, because the amount of mass canââ¬â¢t be changed. If your chemical equation has different masses on the left and right side of the equation, youââ¬â¢ll need to balance your chemical equation. How to Balance Chemical Equations Balancing chemical equations means that you write the chemical equation correctly so that there is the same amount of mass on each side of the arrow. In this section, weââ¬â¢re going to explain how to balance a chemical equation by using a real life example, the chemical equation that occurs when iron rusts: Fe + O2 ââ â Fe2O3 #1: Identify the Products and Reactants The first step in balancing a chemical equation is to identify your reactants and your products. Remember, your reactants are on the left side of your equation. The products are on the right side. For this equation, our reactants are Fe andO2. Our products areFe2 andO3. #2: Write the Number of Atoms Next, you need to determine how many atoms of each element are present on each side of the equation. You can do this by looking at the subscripts or the coefficients. If there is no subscript or coefficient present, then you just have one atom of something. Fe + O2ââ â Fe2O3 On the reactant side, we have one atom of iron and two atoms of oxygen. On the product side, we have two atoms of iron and three atoms of oxygen. When you write out the number of products, you can see that the equation isnââ¬â¢t balanced, because there are different amounts of each atom on the reactant side and the product side. That means we need to add coefficients to make this equation balanced. #3: Add Coefficients Earlier, I mentioned that there are two ways to tell how many atoms of a particular element exist in a chemical equation: by looking at the subscripts and looking at the coefficients. When you balance a chemical equation, you change coefficients. You never change subscripts. A coefficient is a whole number multiplier. To balance a chemical equation, you add these whole number multipliers (coefficients) to make sure that there are the same number of atoms on each side of the arrow. Hereââ¬â¢s something important to remember about coefficients: they apply to every part of a product. For instance, take the chemical equation for water: H2O. If you added a coefficient to make it 2H2O, then the coefficient multiples across all of the elements present. So, 2H2O means that you have four atoms of hydrogen and two atoms of oxygen. You donââ¬â¢t just multiply against the first element present. So, in our chemical equation (Fe + O2ââ â Fe2O3), any coefficient you add to the product has to be reflected with the reactants. Letââ¬â¢s look at how to balance this chemical equation. On the product side, we have two atoms of iron and three atoms of oxygen. Letââ¬â¢s tackle iron first. When first looking at this chemical equation you might think that something like this works: 2Fe + O2ââ â Fe2O3 While that balances out the iron atoms (leaving two on each side), oxygen is still unbalanced. That means we need to keep looking. Taking iron first, we know that weââ¬â¢ll be working with a multiple of two, since there are two atoms of iron present on the product side. Knowing that using two as a coefficient wonââ¬â¢t work, letââ¬â¢s try the next multiple of two: four. 4Fe + O2ââ â 2Fe2O3 That creates balance for iron by having four atoms on each side of the equation. Oxygen isnââ¬â¢t quite balanced yet, but on the product side we have six atoms of oxygen. Six is a multiple of two, so we can work with that on the reactant side, where two atoms of oxygen are present. That means that we can write our balanced chemical equation this way: 4Fe + 3O2ââ â 3Fe2O3 3 Great Sources of Balancing Chemical Equations Practice There are many places you can do balancing chemical equations practice online. Here are a few places with practice problems you can use: Khan Academy: 7 practice problems ScienceGeek: 15 practice problems TemplateLab: 49 free balancing chemical equations worksheet downloads Balancing Chemical Equations: Key Takeaways Balancing chemical equations seems complicated, but itââ¬â¢s really not that hard! Your main goal when balancing chemical equations is to make sure that there are the same amount of reactants and products on each side of the chemical equation arrow. Whatââ¬â¢s Next? Writing a research paper for school but not sure what to write about? Our guide to research paper topics has over 100 topics in ten categories so you can be sure to find the perfect topic for you. Want to know the fastest and easiest ways to convert between Fahrenheit and Celsius? We've got you covered! Check out our guide to the best ways to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit (or vice versa). Are you studying clouds in your science class?Get help identifying the different types of clouds with our expert guide.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Single phase motors Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Single phase motors - Essay Example It is also called an induction start and induction run motor. This is the simplest from of a single-phase motor meant for small industries. There are two windings. While the starter winding has fewer gauge wiring and turns, the main winding has higher gauge wire with more turns. This puts the start winding field ata different angle to the main winding field, resulting in the motor to rotate. Then the main winding, which is of heavier wire, takes over and keeps the motor running. When the speed reaches up to around 75% of its peak , the switching mechanism, mainly a centrifugal switch on the motor shaft, disconnects the start winding from the main one. Although the application of such motor is advisable only for those jobs where the staring torque requirement is not high, this type of motor is least expensive for industrial uses. This type is the most widely used motor for industrial applications. While this is similar to the split phase motor, the starter winding has a capacitor in the circuit, which gives a boost to the starting function. Here again the start winding and the capacitor are disconnected when the motor reaches up to 75% of its rated speed. Due to the wider applications, including those where the starting torque requirement is high, this type of motor is more expensive than the split phase type. These motors can be used for most of the belt drive applications like, small conveyors, Blowers and pumps. These can also be used for both, direct drive as well as geared applications This type of motor neither has the capacitor connected to the start winding nor a switch for disconnection. However, a capacitor is connected to the start winding permanently, in series with it. Once the motor reaches its running speed, this run type capacitor turns the start winding into an auxiliary winding. The starting boost is missing
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
National Educational Technology Standars for Teacher(NEST-T) - Research Paper
National Educational Technology Standars for Teacher(NEST-T) - - Research Paper Example In this particular research paper, am going to base my study on NETS-T 1, the ability of teachers to Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity. Teachers use varied methods of teaching to impact knowledge into students. However, the method and medium used plays a critical role in advancing the student learning, creativity, and innovation in either context be it virtual or face-to-face environments. The 21st century is characterized by many inventions and innovations in order to raise the education standards for both the teachers and learners. Communications technology is playing a vital part in readily availing the information and, as a result, the teacherââ¬â¢s roles have become more of facilitating learning lieu to the provision of content (Apple, 2011). This has led to evolving in the roles of teachers and discovery of various sources of information to act as a reference for the teachers to act as facilitators in the acquisition of knowledge by the students. Technology provides students with various sources of information thereby simplifying the roles of teachers into facilitators. However, teachers as facilitators play an active role in directing the students to the appropriate sources of information for research using technology. Therefore, the teacherââ¬â¢s role can be defined as ââ¬Å"facilitator of learningâ⬠. The key motive behind this new paradigm of teaching is the recognition of the ââ¬Å"learnersââ¬â¢ intrinsic motivationâ⬠, which plays a leading role in promoting innovation by encouraging a culture of open-minded attitudes towards the acquisition of ââ¬Å"creative intelligenceâ⬠that has led to innovation of independent learners. The facilitative teacher, therefore, understands psychological value of productiveness and creativity that pervades innovation in the learning process. As a facilitator, teachers promote acquisition of knowledge in a myriad ways that vary from student to student and
Monday, November 18, 2019
Crisis Intervention Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Crisis Intervention - Term Paper Example Researchers indicated that this brought more problems than it was intended. For instance, most became homeless, some were victimized in relation to crime among others. One possible way that has been deemed to help solve the problem is through crisis intervention centers. The proposed study seeks to examine the use of crisis intervention as a deterrent to admission in the state hospital system in order to deliver services in a more cost effective manner to a larger number of people. A quantitative research method is adopted. Data will be collected through questionnaires. The selected sample will be from a population suffering from mental disorders and it will be divided into two groups. Informed consent will be sort after before participants take art I the study. Data will be analyzed using SPSS software. ANOVA with repeated measures will be used in place of standard ANOVA because all individuals in the sample have been measured in two different conditions. One of the most important things done by medical professionals is to help patients get back their initial health status or maintaining a status that is stable. However, there are cases where patients are readmitted to healthcare facilities. Research has shown that this is a very costly venture that continues to not only to the government budget but also individual savings ad income. Mental health is a public health issue and the largest single source of burden of disease in the United Staes of America. To support this fact, research has shown that one in seventeen Americans, which translates to 6.0% of the population suffer from mental illness. Similarly, in any given year, one out of four Americans are diagnosed with a mental illness disorder. This translates to approximately 58 million people. In America, chronically mentally ill individuals not able to function independently have traditionally been cared for in state run psychiatric institutions (Talbott, 2004). This method of
Friday, November 15, 2019
Issues in Youth Offending Sentencing
Issues in Youth Offending Sentencing Part B Fundamental principles/ important sentencing Instructions We are uncertain whether to treat young offenders as children requiring help and guidance or as morally responsible agents who deserve to be punished (Smith, 2005). Finding the balance between the two may be the answer. Many different jurisdictions have different procedure for dealing with juveniles then adults. These typically include diverting some young offenders from criminal justice process, a juvenile or youth court, and scope for this court to prescribe training, education, counselling, supervision, medication, and restoration, either instead of punishment or in addition to it (Smith, 2005). The governing principle for sentencing will be (rehabilitation). This means every possible avenue will be explored before giving a young person a custodial sentence. In ensuring this remains at the forefront of sentencing judges should use this outline when sentencing a young person. Although Rehabilitation is the main focus of this youth justice system, accountability, (Add something more here) â⬠¦.. are also important factors in sentencing. In accordance with the suggestions from Smith (2005) this outline of sentencing principles and instructions set out for police officers, prosecutors and courts for sentencing youth in accordance with the Rehabilitation main principle. Mental health and victim impact statements In all cases involving youth a mental health assessment must be made because youth in the juvenile justice system experience substantially higher rates of mental health disorders than youth in the general population; a high percentage of youth in the juvenile justice system have a diagnosable mental health disorder; it is safe to estimate that at least one out of every five youth in the juvenile justice system has serious mental health problems; and many of the youth in the juvenile justice system with mental illness also have a co-occurring substance abuse disorder. (Cocozza Skowyra, 2000). This comes about after the Ashley Smith case, a teenage girl who killed herself while in custody while guards watched (Advocate, 2008). Also a victim impact statement, if provided will be looked at and considered when sentencing a youth Reduce the use of custody Reduce the number of custodial sentences. The youth justice system should reserve its most serious interventions for the most serious crimes (Barnhorst, 2004). Canadian laws have always allowed, or encouraged, discretion in responses by police and other to offending (Doob Sprott, 2004). This being said police officers and judges, and prosecutors will have the desertion to divert a young person out of the system and use an informal way. Police and prosecutors will have the following options when dealing with a young person: Taking no further action, informal warnings, cautions, and referrals to a community program or agency, and extrajudicial sanctions (Barnhorst, 2004). Extra judicial measures should be used if they are adequate to hold the youth accountable for his/her offending behaviour and may be used if a youth has previously been dealt with by extra judicial measure or has previously been found guilty of an offence (Barnhorst, 2004). First time non-violent offenders should be held accountable outside of the youth court. (Barnhorst, 2004). Accountability Hold the youth accountable for their actions. A sentence should hold the youth accountable for their actions in the least invasive way possible (Smith, 2005). In England there has been a shift over the past 15 years towards a new emphasis on an efficient and prompt response to youth offending (Smith, 2005). Youth should have their hearing/trial/sentences done within a reasonable amount of time in order to hold them accountable for their actions (Smith, 2005). To hold a youth accountable in a fair way for the offence he/she committed, courts should impose just sanctions that will hold the youth accountable and have meaningful consequences and measures that will promote the rehabilitation and reintegration of the youth into society (Barnhorst, 2004). Sentencing For many sentences we suggest that Restorative type programs be used instead of incarceration. The programs found to be most successful are those that directly address behaviour problems, using social learning approaches, teaching social and interpersonal skills as well as helping young people to perceive and think about their own and other peopleââ¬â¢s behaviour in a different way (Smith, 2005). Interventions with offenders in the community tend to have greater effects than those with offenders in institutions; these findings firmly establish that working with young people, especially using cognitive behavioural approaches based on social learning theory, can change their behaviour (Smith, 2005). There is a program in Lanark County in which youth who are facing barriers to employment can participate in this 6 month program thatââ¬â¢s runs 5 days a week from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. This program called Skills Link sets youth in the community offering training in many different areas of employment barriers, they youth are giving employable skills and are also given an allowance equal to the province minimum wage when they participate (Falls, 2014). A program such as this could help a youth who has committed a crime because of not being able to provide for themselves or their family and resort to theft or some kind of measure like that. The maximum sentence that can be imposed for a youth is 3 years. This sentence should be used only in extreme violent cases such as violent assault, sexual assault, murder, homicide etc. No youth should be sentenced as an adult in any circumstance. On top of a custodial sentence a judge may issue a probation period of no longer than 2 years. Should a youth become an adult while in custody the courts should re-visit the case and consider the youth and what he/she has done since being sentenced and determine if the young adult should continue their sentence in a minimum security setting within the adult system. Overall judges should take into account all factors and have discretion when sentencing youth within the guidelines outlined above. Part C: Case Studies CASE 2 Peter and John are angry at another student (Todd) for ââ¬Å"rattingâ⬠on them about smoking weed on school property. They decide to get even with him and wait in a stairwell for him that is adjacent to his locker. When he arrives they punch him several times, when he falls to the ground, Peter kicks Todd three times in the face, breaking his nose. John steals his IPod which had fallen to the ground during the fight. The principle hears the commotion; the youths are caught and the police called. The boys are 15. In this case the police should refer Peter and John to a program for drug use, anger management and counselling. Todd should also be giving the option for counselling should this have a large impact on his schooling and/or life. Todd should write a victim impact statement for Peter and John to read and understand how this has affected Todd. John should have to pay/replace/give back the IPod that he stole. Once the boys have completed the programs/referrals the police should drop the charges completely. Should this be something Peter and John have a history of fighting/stealing more invasive measure should be used. This could include probation for a year with set check in dates and times with a youth counsellor/ probation officer. In this case a mental health assessment would be done and the programs the youth attend would reflect what was found in the mental health assessment (i.e. address underlying issues of their behaviours). This method should only be used if the two boys have a lengthy history of fighting/ stealing. Case 4 A young male (Bob Webren), 17 years of age, attempts to rob a convenience store with three of his friends. During the robbery, the 50 year-old owner of the store emerges from the storage room with a baseball bat and begins to beat one of Bobââ¬â¢s friends. Bob comes to the rescue of his friend and, during a struggle, stabs the owner in the stomach. The four young adults then flee the scene with $400.00 in cash. The store owner later dies in hospital from his wounds. Bob is eventually charged with armed robbery and second degree murder. During his trial, it is disclosed that Bob comes from a very poor family and is currently living on social assistance. He has no previous criminal record. School transcripts reveal that he had been doing very well in school until he was kicked out of his motherââ¬â¢s home and started to hang out with the ââ¬Å"wrong crowdâ⬠. He argues that he only recently began to engage in robbery in order to provide financial support for his 13 month-old son that he fathered as a result of a common-law relationship. Bobââ¬â¢s legal aid attorney ask that these factors be considered during sentencing. In this case Bob the judge should consider the circumstances that lead Bob to the crime he committed. Also a mental health assessment would be done in order to assess the different areas in which Bob needs help. The store ownerââ¬â¢s family should write a victim impact statement so Bob understand the extent of the choices he made and how those choices affected others. The maximum sentence that should be giving is 2 years in jail and 1 year of probation. While in custody Bob should be allowed to see his family and work. A program like Skills Link, mentioned above, would be beneficial to Bob and could lead to a job when he finished his sentence. Other programs may be useful as well and can be decided by court staff at the time of sentencing, based on the mental health assessment, the level of crime and the remorse shown as well as the specific conditions in which Bob finds himself. If Bob has good behaviour and does the required programs he could serve 9 months ââ¬â one year and the rest of the time on probation. Counselling should be offered to Bob in order to discuss underlying issues and the outcome of his sentence and/or court procedures. If Bob serves his whole sentence then he will spend 1 year with a youth worker who will check in with him. Unlike probation Bob would not have to follow any specific guidelines, but the worker would be available to work with Bob should he have any issues while transitioning back into the society he committed the crime in. Should after the year/ when Bob becomes an adult, he could be transferred, at his request or by the request of his youth worker get a adult worker or outreach centre he could go should some new issue arise. Works Cited Advocate, O. a. (2008). Ashley Smiths: A report of the New Brusnwick Ombudsman and Child and Youth Advocate on the services provided to a youth involved in the youth criminal justice system. Fredericton, New Brusnwick: Office of the Ombudsman Child and Youth Advocate. Retrieved from Barnhorst, R. (2004, April). The Youth Criminal Justice Act: New Directions and Implementation Issues. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 231-250. Doob, A. N., Sprott, J. B. (2004). Youth Justice in Canada. In M. Tonry, A. N. Doob, Youth Crime and Youth Justice: Comparative and Cross National Perspectives (pp. 185-239). Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Falls, T. o. (2014). Skills Link. Retrieved from Sensational Smiths Falls Heart of the Rideau Canal: Smith, D. J. (2005). The effectiveness of the juvenile justice system. Criminal Justice, 5(2), 181-195. doi:10.1177/1466802505053497
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Tuberculosis :: essays research papers fc
Tuberculosis TB is a disease that can cause a serious illness and can damage a person's organs. Every year more than 25,000 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with TB disease. That's only a fraction of the amount of people who carry the Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a rod-shaped bacterium. TB is spread through the air by carriers of the germ. People who breathe the same air can become infected with the TB germ. People who do work around or with people with the TB disease should take medicine. TB infection means that the person has the TB germs but they are in an inactive state. When TB germs enter the body, the immune system builds a wall around them. While TB germs are inactive, they cannot cause any damage. These germs can stay alive for many years in these walls and eventually break out. At this time TB is active then it becomes TB disease. It can now affect the system's organs. A person can have TB disease shortly after being infected with TB germs if the person's immune system is weak. TB can attack any part of the system. The lungs are the most common area of attack. People with the TB disease have one or more of the following symptoms: a cough that hangs on, fevers, weight loss, night sweats, constant fatigue, and loss of appetite. A person with the TB disease in the late stages will cough up blood streaked sputum. People who have Active TB disease usually only have mild symptoms. There are three tests to diagnose TB disease. One is the Tuberculin Mantoux PPD skin test; two is a Chest X-ray which is given after the Skin test is positive; three Sputum Test reveals if TB germs are in thick liquid a person coughs up. The Tuberculin Mantoux PPD skin test is given by placing a substance called PPD Tuberculin under the top layer of the skin with a very small needle and syringe. The doctor will inject the needle into the skin which will only feel like a slight pen prick. A few days later the skin test reaction will be read by a trained health worker. If the skin around the prick israised and it is bigger or the same size as a pencil eraser then the person is likely to have been infected with TB germs. This does not mean he or she has TB disease. You should always retest yourself even if the first test was negative for a few reasons. If your immune system has been weakened, then your immune system may
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Katzenbach and Smithââ¬â¢s Essay
Using Katzenbach and Smithââ¬â¢s article as a guide, what might you do if you wanted to encourage team performance? What risks would you face in doing this, and what would you have to be careful of? What I would do to encourage team performance is to set goals for them, in the Katzenbach and smithââ¬â¢s article, they have mentioned the 4 main elements that make team functional, common commitment and purpose, Performance goals, Complementary skills and Mutual accountability. Team functional, common commitment and purpose, this is like given the team a goal for them, having a goal can let the team work more effectively as they can achieve something, the more meaningful the goal is, the more likely the team will live up to the performance potential. For a team, it is very important to have almost everyone doing what they are best at, everyone has what they are good at and is important to have them using their own skills, in this way the job will be done more efficiently. Also the team needs to meet the deadlines, also to attend all the meetings, this is because the team will need to be update to all the new information so the team will understand what they are doing and having group discussion, also to know if the competitors has any new moves on their business. If the team can spend a lot of time together, in this way the team will get to know each individualââ¬â¢s working method or getting to know each other, in this way the relationship will be better which will make a much better team. A specific goal for any individuals can let them stay focus on one subject, this is so all the control for this person can focus on one thing which can give a much better result. Also the reward they can get from working to its performance potential, a reward can be very differently; it can be the manger will buy the team a dinner or give bonus, or even a promotion, this can improve the behaviors of the team, also will encourage them to work better or faster for the reward they can get. But the methods above doesnââ¬â¢t always work, having goal doesnââ¬â¢t mean that the team can achieve it, in the long term if they cannot achieve, is common sense that people will start to give up on the task, I think the task needs to be achievable and the team must know before they start how badly things can be, if they knew this, the chances of the problem will is less. People in the team will always dislike someone in the group, this can always happens and the disadvantage of this is the information between them might not be sharedà which can cause problems. The rewards can also be a bad thing for the team, most people would like to have a promotion, but having promotion mean cause problems in the team, teammates can be fighting for the promotion and this can break the relationship between them.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Great Black Way
The Great Black Way Free Online Research Papers After the Civil War African-Americans were looking for more opportunities which led to a mass migration out of the South to the North and West where they would be able to find work and more easily integrate into the dominate white society (Horton and Horton, 228). Though the South was defeated in the war, Republicans made many exceptions at African-Americans expense, such as placing the Fourteenth and Fifteenth amendments under state control, in order to placate Democrats and try to unify the country (Horton and Horton, 226). This enabled Democrats to gain control over political offices and push their agenda on the rest of the country resulting in legalization of Jim Crow segregation after the Supreme Court case Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896 (Horton and Horton 229). In his book The Great Black Way, the author R. J. Smith recounts how African-Americans arrived in Los Angeles, dealt with segregation, and chose leaders who were not normally at the forefront of the segregation battle. These leaders were critical of earlier African-American figures from the East like Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois. Washington espoused a bottom up approach in which blacks would teach others who would then spread the process while Du Bois favored a top down a pproach which promoted a Talented-Tenth, the exceptional African-Americans who would be able to change circumstances for the black community. In Los Angeles Washington and Du Boiss ideas were carried out, and Angelenos worked within the system, however, when this failed African-Americans resorted to protests and violence to finally capture the attention needed to address racial segregation. Booker T. Washington (1856-1915) was born a slave in the South, and therefore had a different view of how to handle integration. He spoke of working within the system to gain the respect of whites by proving their worth. (Lecture, 10/22). At just 25 he became the first leader of the Tuskegee Institute which sought to teach industrial trades along with academic education so that students could then go to their communities and teach what they had learned (Horton and Horton, 227). Many say he took a defeatist approach, but Washington was living in the South during one of the worst lynching waves in history and was trying to help his community survive through extreme conditions (Horton and Horton, 230). Washington had many critics, he was a leader before many of the known racial leaders throughout history were born, and it was easy for them to criticize the past. Even though he lived and died before the turmoil of Los Angeles in the 1930s and 40s, his ideas carried on. The Tuskegee Insti tute served as a great resource for African-Americans and is a private, black university today. At the onset of WWII the Tuskegee Institute famously trained the first black fighter pilots in the Army Air Corps (Smith, 61). Washingtons views were to help the people from the bottom up and give them a foundation from which they could grow. One of Washingtons critics was W.E.B. Du Bois (1868-1963), an abolitionist who wanted to fight for freedom. He believed in education and that blacks needed a liberal arts background (Lecture, 10/22). Du Bois grew up in a small Northern town, which was largely integrated, and did not have to endure the severe oppression those in the South did. Nonetheless, he still encountered discrimination and fought to put an end to it. His plan of action was a Talented-Tenth, highly educated African-Americans who would pave the way for others and open up job opportunities. In contrast to Washington, his was a top down approach to the problem. As one of the leaders of the NAACP, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Du Bois and others were able to take legal action to advance desegregation at a national level. For example, the NAACP was the driving force that argued in the Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education in 1954 (Lecture, 11/10). This case led to the court ruling that separate classrooms were unequal and that de jure racial segregation was unconstitutional as a violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth amendment (Lecture, 11/12). The culture of African-Americans in Los Angeles at the outset of the 20th Century was very different from that of the East. As Charlotta Bass, the editor of the California Eagle, wrote in the 1930s ââ¬Å"[Los Angeles] was a sober residential and business settlementâ⬠(Smith, 29). No one cared about the Talented-Tenth who were leading the Harlem Renaissance at this time, feeling that these artists merely amused whites and did not show an accurate portrayal of the African-American population. They felt that these African-American elites had no real affect on their lives and the circumstances of their treatment (Smith, 26-28). The first black immigrants to Los Angeles were mostly educated and came looking for work (Smith, 23). Because of the growing population, the African-American community was formed and separated by de facto segregation from whites with the attitude that blacks should ââ¬Å"avoid that block, that cop, that hourâ⬠(Smith, 43). African-Americans were able t o form a community, located around Central Avenue, where they could maintain businesses but were subject to police brutality in their community and especially in white areas. For example, when a Mexican girl was arrested in front of a black business and several African-American men tried to defend her and fought the officer, later that night ââ¬Å"over a dozen vice squad copsâ⬠came back to the business and lined up all of the blacks that were inside to beat them one by one (Smith, 19). Though there were run ins with the police the population was still controlled enough that African-Americans could stay in their confined communities and continue to build their local economy. This was an example of African-Americans following Washingtons ideal of building personal wealth and going along with the rules in the hope that whites would later accept them. At the start of the Second World War, African-Americans were being drafted to join the military but still not given equal rights to fight, have equal pay, or be able to further their military careers. In a letter to the Pittsburgh Courier, the most popular black newspaper in the country, 15 mess attendants stationed on the U.S.S. Philadelphia wrote of the conditions and treatment of blacks in the armed forces. They described their jobs as ââ¬Å"domestic servants picking up after the white manâ⬠(Smith, 43). African-Americans began to question why they were remaining loyal to a country that treated them as second-class citizens and helping fight injustice abroad when there was discrimination happening at home (Smith, 25). Black leaders decided to form a mass movement to change the laws and A. Philip Randolph was able to organize it (Smith, 45). He issued a challenge in the California Eagle to end discrimination in the armed forces as well as defense factories and threatened a m arch on Washington of 100,000 blacks if needs were not met. Once the movement gained momentum, the NAACP agreed with the approach (Smith, 47). This was one of the first times African-Americans from Los Angeles were trying to work with those in power to change law for the betterment of the black community. After the formation of Bronzeville, formerly Little Tokyo, the influx in population became so great that living conditions worsened with not much being done about it (Smith, 147). Because there were so many people this became the perfect recipe for what Los Angeles ghettos are most known for, random acts of violence. Many of those who had been living in Central Avenue were used to getting by under Washingtons mode of minding their own business and staying within their community lines. But as African-Americans from the South migrated West, they were no longer under the restrictions of the Jim Crow laws and were ready to use any means necessary to get equal treatment. ââ¬Å"When a white owner of the Paramount Cafà © on the north end of the Avenue refused service to a group of blacks, he probably gave it no thought at all, for it was something he had likely done many times before. But when they rose up and tore the place apart, perhaps he gave it a second thought.â⬠(Smith, 147) In the end the idealistic approaches of Washington and Du Bois proved to be ineffectual for the every day life of African-Americans on Central Avenue. Both leaders of the East criticized one another, but still had a similarity. They tried to change laws and work within the system to end discrimination and to change the feeling whites felt toward African-Americans. African-Americans in Los Angeles learned that even if they changed a law, it did not mean it would be implemented. And that no matter how much time they gave whites to recognize their worth, whites would continue to exploit their labor for economical gain and to maintain power. It was when they came together that African-Americans realized the power they had. ââ¬Å"Power and pressureâ⬠¦lie and flow from the massesâ⬠¦the masses united for a definite purpose,â⬠said by Randolph (Smith, 46). Though the legal end to segregation was decades away by the end of the 1940s blacks were talking back and no longer (Smith, 277). Research Papers on The Great Black Way19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraBringing Democracy to AfricaBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoCapital PunishmentArguments for Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS)Hip-Hop is ArtWhere Wild and West MeetPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyQuebec and Canada
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Essay Sample on Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods How to Solve Disputes
Essay Sample on Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods How to Solve Disputes Introduction Alternative dispute resolution refers to any method for solving disputes other than by litigation. It is a constrictive dispute resolution method to the extent that a decision by such a method cannot be overruled by a public court of law. A public court of law cannot also give awards different from the ones issues by the method. The two most common used methods of alternative dispute resolution are arbitration and mediation. These methods mainly include evaluation of a case that is done on neutral basis, negotiations, conciliation, mediation and finally arbitration. Alternative dispute resolution methods are becoming preferable due to the need to move away from crowded courtrooms, increasing litigation costs, and the delays experienced in courts before judgment is delivered. These reasons have compelled many people across the states to favor alternative arbitration programs. Some of these programs are voluntary while others are mandatory. One of the most informal processes used is mediation. In this form of informal litigation, mediators pair the opposing sides and try to control the process. Mediators are trained personnel who are trained to work out settlements and tries to influence accept or reject decisions. This process is also favored since the parties agree amongst themselves and come up with a resolution unlike a court where a judge is influenced by many factors. Arbitration on the other hand is a basic model of trial that has limited detection and the rules of evidence are simplified. An arbitral panel regulates the process and makes the final decision. Both sides under dispute appoint the arbitrary panel members. The two sides may decide to appoint one person to serve as an arbitrator or they may appoint two people to represent each side and then the two people select a third person to the arbitrator. Arbitration hearings are quite longer than mediation hearings. A typical hearing can take from two days to a week. During that period, the panel convenes a few hours a day to deliberate on matters discussed earlier. After all facts have been delivered based on the arbitration standards, the panel delivers its verdict in a written decision or through an arbitral award. Opinions in this case are not treated as public records. Arbitration is mostly used in place of industrial courts to solve matters in industries such as construction and securities regulation.3 The process is gaining popularity and more people are adopting it to solve their disputes. Arbitration agreements are enforceable under federal and state laws. The agreements and awards derive their powers from Title 9 of the U.S. Code. The code bases on Congress plenary power that oversees interstate commerce. Title 9 on itself is more superior to state law. A substantial number of states, approximately forty-one in the United States have adopted the Uniform Arbitration Act. The original version was formed in 1956, while the revised version was done in year 2000. Amendments to Alternative Dispute Resolution Process Every year, many transactions take place in the construction scene. Intermittently, some disagreements arise in the course of this transactions hence the need for arbitration since litigation may cost both parties significantly. This is in addition to the privacy, fairness and promptness of the process.4 When a dispute occurs, the opposing sides may submit their grievances for arbitration. The arbitrators are supposed to be impartial and any conflicts of interest are unethical. According to the American Arbitration Association, the arbitration process has four major rules: the regular track procedures, the procedures for the resolution of disputes through document submission, and the procedures for large complex construction disputes. These rules provide guidelines whenever there is a dispute particularly in the construction sector. The best way to avoid intervention by the courts as much as possible is to employ institutional arbitration, which provides a framework that can establish an arbitral tribunal and activate the process despite any disagreements or problems that arise. Thus, the institution can appoint arbitrators, make decisions on disqualification, see to the smooth operation of the procedure and the meeting of deadlines, set arbitrator compensation (which is a very tricky undertaking when the parties deal directly with the arbitrator without going through an institution) and set parameters for the award, as required and in accordance with pre-established conditions. Initially, the United States Code governed alternative dispute resolution processes. It was amended in 1998 to provide for some features due to the advent of time. The amendments allowed all districts to adopt the provisions of the Act under Section 2071 (a). The amendment also gave powers to neutral evaluation, ministerial, mediation, and arbitration as means of solving civil cases. This was provided under Section 654 to 658 (Clare, 2003). The Act provides for a new statutory payment regime, which introduces a right to interim or periodic payments and a final payment and requires an adequate mechanism in a contract for determining what will become due and when. Default provisions are provided for, which automatically apply in the event that no adequate mechanism is provided in the contract and requires the payee to give a ââ¬Ëpayment claim noticeââ¬â¢ to the payer of what is to be paid and how it is calculated not later than five days after the payment date. The payer may not reserve funds unless it has given a rejoinder (akin to a pay-less notification) to the payment request notice, stating the amount it intends to delay from the sum due and the reasons for doing so not later than 21 days after the repayment claim date as stipulated in the contract or the Schedule. Receivers may suspend enforcement when the sum due is not paid by the closing date for payment. Consequently, there is a prohibition on contractual terms that make payment subject upon the payer being reimbursed from a separate source (ââ¬Ëpay when paid clausesââ¬â¢). Persons to whom the Act touches will need to be cognizant of the truth that if the agreement does not provide for a sufficient mechanism for payment when the statutory default payment provisions will apply. One goal of a ââ¬Ëpay when paidââ¬â¢ clause usually used in the construction business was to exempt the contractor from liability to compensate the subcontractor until the employer had settled it. The outcome of this kind a contractual condition was to enable the contractor to pass the danger of default by the employer to its subcontractors further down the construction chain. The application of these clauses is now forbidden by section 3(5) of the Act. The only exception to this ban is in case that there is a related bankruptcy event in a construction contract. In cases where the employer is solvent, a ââ¬Ëpay when paidââ¬â¢ clause in a contract between contractor and subcontractor will not permit the contractor to withhold payment from the subcontractor. While the legal validity of such terms may be questionable in practice, engineers and architects acting for employers have been required to observe them. Suspension for Non-Payment Persons not receiving payment in full now have a new statutory right to suspend work under the Act, provided proper notice and particulars are given. The provisions appear to entitle a payee to suspend performance of any or all of its contractual obligations related to the work. There are hopes that the right to suspend will be limited to the actual construction obligations or also, for example, extend to suspension of the right to insure the works or suspension of works in related areas connected with the payment in dispute. Partial payment will not suffice to render suspension unjustified. It will be important to make sure that any seven-day advance notice is clear and served in accordance with the Actââ¬â¢s requirements. Works can be suspended, but only up until such time as where the payment dispute is referred to adjudication or where full payment has been made of the amount due. Much weight will have to be given to the fact that contracts may also need redrafting to allow payees to suspend in accordance with their entitlement under the Act. The Act expressly states that the period of suspension is to be disregarded for the purposes of contractual time limits. To ensure that the contract provisions and time for completion are not thwarted by the operation of the Act, a review of current contractual conditions is strongly advised. For the first time, the Act has introduced a statutory settlement procedure for the settling of payment disputes. Both parties will be permitted to discuss a payment dispute under the agreement to a mediator, whose judgment is required within 28 days (which period may be extended by a further 14 days by agreement between the parties).14 This is not the case in the UK, alternative dispute resolution under this Act will only apply to a payment dispute. The Act does not exactly describe what institutes a payment dispute and it is well known that it is stated in the Act to be ââ¬Å"any dispute relating to paymentâ⬠. It will be motivating to see how this will function in practice and if guidance is given in the Code of Practice concerning payment disputes once the Code is published. The Act specifies that the arbitratorââ¬â¢s award is obligatory until reversed by another formal process. The opposing parties are required to conform with the decision of the arbitrator, even if they plan to go to court or arbitration proceedings. This will aid in avoiding any deferral to payment. Certainly, the Act provides for a further right to suspend in situations where one party fails to honor (within seven days) any sum due pursuant to the decision of the adjudicator. The opposing parties in such legal proceedings by this means may remove any implied confidentiality or ââ¬Ëwithout prejudiceââ¬â¢ can depend upon the judgment of the intermediary protection as would say relate to the intermediation process. Definitely, this will have an impact on a verdict by a party on whether to refer the issue on to arbitration or to the courts, if it is likely that a court or arbitrator would be unwilling to obstruct the arbitratorââ¬â¢s judgment unless justified in the circumsta nces. In fact, the Act specifically agrees the arbitrator to use his or her ââ¬Å"ingenuity in determining the facts and the lawâ⬠, if he or she so wishes. An arbitratorââ¬â¢s judgment will be requisite even if it is wrong and the Act explicitly provides that an arbitrator may not reconsider or re-open any characteristic of the decision. It is therefore significant to defend parties that settle on all important terms and conditions in your contracts clearly and in advance in order to reduce the potential for any payment dispute arising at the outset.
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